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Beautiful Near-Misses

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

This week, I had the pleasure of sitting in on rehearsals for “Human Landscapes,” a collaboration between French choreographer Germana Civera, and the Core Performance Company. The dancers and creators have been working very hard the past two weeks, and have begun running the full piece in rehearsals - lucky me, I get to see a preview! Soon, they will begin rehearsing in the performance space at the B Complex, before premiering their work to audiences October 26-29.

In brightly colored clothing, the dancers explore the space with a circular walking pattern, occasionally cutting through the space. French, Spanish, and English wording and music is woven throughout the piece, accentuating the language of the body. The dancers are aware of each other, but take risks, creating a lot of “beautiful near-misses,” as Artistic Director of Core Dance Sue Schroeder described them. In rehearsals, the dancers are working on the evolution of sound on the body, including the sounds that one body makes when colliding with another (this involves a lot of SMACKing - ouch!). They’re also exploring facial movements, and experiment with moving different features like the eyes, teeth, and tongue. This part grabbed me, because how often do you think about dancing with only your throat?

The choreography is stunning in a dance studio, and I’m excited to see how it grows when the dancers begin rehearsing at the B Complex. The B Complex is a large, open warehouse with a beautiful path of tree and sculptures outlining the property. Although the production will include dance floor and theatrical lighting, the location guarantees that it will not have the feel of a typical dance performance. Instead of sitting in the plush chairs of a theater, the audience will surround the dancers on two sides, giving the performance an intimate feel.

Wear your walking shoes, and buy your tickets now for Human Landscapes!

October 26-29th at 8:00PM

Main Gallery at the B Complex

1272 Murphy Avenue SW

    Atlanta, GA 30310

*The performance contains nudity.

   **Some of the performance takes place outside on rocky and uneven terrain.


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