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Here Comes the Sun


Updated: Oct 20, 2022

As I’m writing this, the rain is pattering down on the sunlights in the office. Ah, Georgia weather. But just a few hours ago, the Core Performance Company took to Decatur Square to soak up the afternoon sun rays. They sat with their eyes closed, and skipped and hopped around the square, fully embracing the day. A few community members stopped to watch, while one young dancer even joined in! Who says you have to know how to walk in order to dance?! It was a wonderful moment of peace and pure joy.  

Today is Germana Civera’s final rehearsal day with the company, and it is a bittersweet ending. We are sad to see Germana return to France, but we are excited for the future traveling of Human Landscapes, and are thankful for this magical month with her. I sat in on “Check-Outs,” where everyone speaks about a moment, or something they found memorable in the day. For your reading pleasure, here are what the Core Performance Company members said about their experiences with Germana:

Scott: “It was really special for me to reflect on all of our time together so far and to look at the container of experiences, information, memories, all of the things that I have learned and obtained from this process.”

Phae: “It was memorable to remember that Germana is pretty much the reason why I’m here. And to remember how I had not improved in forever, and then today the weirdness that came out of me, and having that almost same similar weird thing happen the first day with you. And you saying again, again, again.

Stefanie: “Remembering how long that process has been, starting almost a year ago. And just a growth that has happened over this time, but also the growth that has happened in between the blocks. That’s really memorable. So thank you for that. This whole week has been very transforming. We’ve never really had that. Usually when we are done with a work, we part ways.”

Kristin: “I think overall today what was meaningful was seeing every age dance on the square.”

Rose: “I think everything happens for a reason, and I feel like today has been a really special accumulation of everything we have been through. In the CRP, the unknown of where we all go with this, can be really terrifying but the fact that we’re all here together discussing this brings a calming acceptance of that unknown. That feels very valuable for me personally right now because I don’t know what’s  going to happen next with my physical body. So I feel grateful for today.”

Rose S: “Today, the sun dance was memorable. And in class just re-finding the strength in softness of moving.”

Josh: “I’m sad. Esta triste. Time has been so different this whole process and then today, on the last day before a break usually you’re kind of slow and anticipating it. But again, just the way we all work together, it was like the day was over, and oh my God that was it! I just love that I’m doing something that I love with people who I appreciate being around because it makes time feel different.”

Patton: “It was meaningful to go through this process with you and everybody. It was meaningful to watch Andrew play with your hair and massage your ears and take care.”

Sue: “I really appreciated the amount of beauty in the day. And I particularly was struck by the simple beauty when people started to move out of this last exercise or practice. It was so striking. I will hold that until we meet again.”

Inka: “Every second of today was meaningful.”

Germana: “Today is a great day. Everything has been very meaningful. Sometimes I start the day and I don’t know. Since yesterday I was tired, and then today has been, wow, with everyone dancing in the morning. The tenderness, the lightness. Thank you.”

Andrew: “Germana said she was old yesterday, but she has these baby hairs! The youthfulness is still there. During CRP, my proximity to Germana, and feeling her breathing change when questions were asked and talking about different subjects. That what was memorable today.”

Anna: “I actually woke up this morning and was remembering the first time we met you. I was remembering the wave with the handshake and the eyes, and just thinking from that day to now, how crazy. And I was thinking about the ora walks today, and this last exercise. It’s just crazy when I finally feel like I was getting a glimpse into the deepest layers. I saw myself from the outside, and had this weird “that’s something” and now it’s ending. But it’s just the beginning. It’s funny that that happens on the final day. My last one was watching Rose K wake up from the ground in the last exercise.”


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